Y’all saw my post two weeks ago about one of my favorite writing mantras: inevitable yet unpredictable. As promised in that post, I ...
Y’all saw my post two weeks ago about one of my favorite writing mantras: inevitable yet unpredictable. As promised in that post, I ...
I’m sure you’ve heard this advice from other writers. Read. A lot. Why do people tell you to read? Because it sparks ideas. You might ...
I have a handful of writing mantras and inevitable yet unpredictable is one of them. Good books push the reader towards an inevitable ...
I love having a word or mantra for the year. It helps me focus my aim and readjust course if needed. A great reminder of the philosophy ...
In the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about the importance of ignoring. As writers a lot of things can get in your way. Distractions ...
Happy New Year everyone! It’s the second day of 2020 and a new decade, so I want to start the year by talking about goals. As ...
As we approach the winter holidays, I’ve been reading Caraval by Stephanie Garber which is a great book for winter-wonderland dreaming. ...
Last night I watched The Movies That Made Us on Netflix and it gave me an idea. Two of the movies were holiday-themed classics: Die ...
The struggle is real y’all. Saying no is difficult but necessary. An opportunity came my way the other day and I had to say no, ...
With the holidays coming up—Happy Thanksgiving y’all—and black Friday tomorrow, it’s a great time to share the books I read this year. ...