In the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about the importance of ignoring. As writers a lot of things can get in your way. Distractions ...
Writing and Querying
As we approach the winter holidays, I’ve been reading Caraval by Stephanie Garber which is a great book for winter-wonderland dreaming. ...
Y’all know from a recent post that I love a good podcast. This week I listened to the Happiness Lab where Dr. Laurie Santos focused on ...
I write in the morning before the sun wakes up. For that matter, I write before anyone wakes up. Or anyone has the compulsion to email, ...
I grabbed dinner with a friend recently and we got to talking story. We were both English majors, so fiction is a go-to topic. In this ...
I want to tackle something today that I often hear in the publishing industry. It sounds like this: “I look for voice-driven novels.” ...
I got a rejection! Y’all, I got a rejection this week and initially I was disappointed as most people would be when receiving such ...
We aspiring authors often can get bogged down in writing for a purpose. We might write because we have a story itching to get out of ...
With the holiday last week and unfortunately a death in the family, I’m a day late on this week’s post. I apologize for the delay and ...
I listen to the podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin. Each week she releases a mini episode titled A Little Happier. In it, she talks ...